Skincare Chemistry: How to pick out humectants


I recently posted an excerpt from The Lab Muffin Guide to Basic Skincare on my Instagram and Facebook (which is one of many useful tables in my eBook by the way, and it’s packed full of information on the super important fundamentals of science-based skincare – although I’m obviously biased since I wrote it and put all my best tips …

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Ion Boosted Skincare? Panasonic Skincare Tools

Ion Boosted Skincare? Panasonic Skincare Tools (video)

This video is sponsored by Panasonic. I’ve been really curious about all the microcurrent devices for skincare that have been popping up on the market recently. So when Panasonic approached me to try theirs out and make a video on the science behind it, of course I jumped at the opportunity (those devices aren’t cheap!). I talk about two different …

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Skincare Layering: Not Actually About Molecular Size

Skincare Layering: Not Actually About Molecular Size

I ran into this myth twice today. The first time I saw it I thought there was no way anyone could believe it, because it was so damn ridiculous. The second time I saw it I realised maybe I knew a lot more about molecules than your average skincare expert (and I really should, given how much time I spent …

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Is Sodium Hydroxide Safe in Beauty Products?

Is Sodium Hydroxide Safe in Beauty Products?

Sodium hydroxide is in a ton of beauty products. But as one of my favourite unreliable sources says (the “favourite” is sarcastic by the way, just to clarify): Sodium Hydroxide is, however, a known irritant… The National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health … recommends that consumers prevent skin and eye contact The CDC reports that “Skin contact with sodium …

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Will Blue Light from Computers and Phones Damage Your Skin?

Will Blue Light from Computers and Phones Damage Your Skin?

A lot of our lives now involves staring at phone and computer screens. I recently posted an article about how visible light can damage your skin, and how to prevent it from happening. The key takeaways: Visible light can theoretically damage your skin Higher energy blue wavelengths is the harmful portion of the spectrum It causes pigmentation in dark skinned …

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Testing Fake Tan Remover: How Does It Work?

Testing Fake Tan Remover: How Does It Work?

If you’ve ever used fake tan, you’ll know that after a few days it can start to flake off, and if you’ve applied it unevenly you’ll want to buff out the stain ASAP. I was pretty excited when I saw Bondi Sands Self Tan Eraser ($19.99 AUD for 200 mL). It’s a product that claims to remove fake tan – …

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Video: Antioxidants in Skincare, and Tips for Product Selection

Video: Antioxidants in Skincare, and Tips for Product Selection

I’ve made a new video about antioxidants in skincare – it’s based on this post from a while ago: Antioxidants in Skincare: What Do They Do? In the video, I talk about: What free radicals are How they’re linked to skin damage Where free radicals come from How antioxidants work Which antioxidant ingredients have been studied in clinical trials Tips on …

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