How Much Sunscreen Do You Need For Your Face?

Video: How Much Sunscreen Do You Need For Your Face?

You’ve probably heard that you need 1/4 teaspoon of sunscreen to cover your face. This quantity is calculated from an estimate of people’s face sizes, and the amount of sunscreen they use in SPF testing (2 mg per cm2). Since it’s based on the thickness of sunscreen, a larger face will need more sunscreen, while a smaller face will need …

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Video: How to Get Vitamin D and Stay Sun-Safe

Video: How to Get Vitamin D and Stay Sun-Safe

I’ve posted a new video on vitamin D and sun exposure. Like most skincare addicts I’ve long thought that the sun was evil and should be avoided at all costs, but it turns out that’s an outdated viewpoint!  Vitamin D is important for pretty much everything in your body, and a lot of people are deficient in vitamin D. Does sunscreen …

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What Does SPF Mean? The Science of Sunscreen

What Does SPF Mean? The Science of Sunscreen

Gio of Beautiful With Brains suggested that I do a post on this after an Instagram conversation about SPF, and how it doesn’t actually tell you how much longer you can stay in the sun without burning. So what exactly does a sunscreen’s SPF mean in terms of sun protection? I’ve touched on this topic a few times in my …

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Why Do I Need to Apply Sunscreen Before Sun Exposure?

Why do I need to apply sunscreen before sun exposure?

“Apply 20 minutes before sun exposure.” You’ve probably seen this label on your sunscreen before, and if you’re like most people, you’ve probably ignored it most of the time. Is early application necessary for both chemical (organic) and physical (inorganic) sunscreens, and why? Here’s what’s going on. All sunscreen ingredients absorb UV before application Applying sunscreen before going into the …

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Why DIY Sunscreen Doesn’t Work

Video: Why DIY Sunscreen Doesn't Work

Here’s a new video on why DIY sunscreen doesn’t work. It’s a much more detailed version of my post on DIY sunscreen from a while ago. It’s a topic that’s quite important to me, since it’s one of those cases where having the wrong information can cause serious harm! This video has been a bit delayed due to the rest …

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Sun Protection and Vitamin D Deficiency

Sun Protection and Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is a vital nutrient in your body, and one of the main sources of vitamin D for humans is exposure to UVB radiation from the sun. However, UV also causes skin cancer and skin aging, so sun protection (sunscreen, protective hats, protective clothing) is important. How should we balance the two? This is a very controversial topic and …

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Tip: Multi-Sunscreening for Maximum Protection and Minimum Grease

Tip: Multi-Sunscreening for Maximum Protection and Minimum Grease

Here’s a simple skincare trick that I’ve found ridiculously useful lately that I thought I’d share in case it helps anyone else out. I’m sure I’m not the first person to do it, but I also haven’t seen it discussed anywhere else (though I haven’t been looking very hard). I’ve started doing something that can be best described as “multi-sunscreening”, …

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