What does benzoyl peroxide do?

Benzoyl peroxide (or BP, as it’s affectionately known) is one of those products that seems to work for everyone. It’s a topical treatment (cream) that’s an essential component of many acne treatment regimens (Dan Kern’s acne.org, ProActiv, Paula Begoun just to name a few). But what does it do, and how is it most effective? Benzoyl peroxide is a peroxide, …

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What’s wrong with SLS?

(Photo credit: Steve Ford Elliott) Lots of personal care products proudly say they’re “SLS-free”. What was wrong with it in the first place? Sodium lauryl sulfate (also known as sodium dodecyl sulfate, or sodium coco-sulfate) is found in many personal care products, such as shampoo, toothpaste . It looks like this: It has an oil-soluble “tail” (on the left) and …

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Skincare 101: Exfoliation basics

(Fir0002/Flagstaffotos) Why do I need to exfoliate? Your skin cells are constantly renewing themselves – your entire epidermis (outer skin layers) is replaced every 50 days. Millions of dead skin cells are shed each day from the topmost layer (the stratum corneum) in a natural process called desquamation. However, many things can interfere with this process, such as ageing, hormonal …

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How does Latisse (bimatoprost) make eyelashes grow longer?

Who doesn’t want long, luscious eyelashes? For years all we could do was paint them and stick on falsies, then Latisse landed on the market, promising to make your natural lashes gorgeous and doe-y. But how does it work? About lashes Lashes, like all hair, grows in a cycle, which involves 3 phases and takes 5-12 months. Anagen – This …

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Vitamin A – what does it do for your skin?

Vitamins are amazing for your body, but what do they do when you rub them on your skin? Earlier we looked at vitamin C and what it does – now let’s take a gander at vitamin A, one of the most amazing products for your skin!  Stephen Ausmus Vitamin A is found in vegetables (such as carrots), egg yolk, liver …

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Is mineral oil dangerous? Part 2

Angela Mabray I’m looking at whether mineral oil, an incredibly common moisturiser – possibly the most common moisturiser, check your moisturiser’s ingredients – is dangerous again. Read part 1 here! 3. Mineral oil is comedogenic and will make you break out – FALSE Mineral oil appears on a large range of “comedogenic ingredients” lists. Once upon a time (well, in …

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Is mineral oil dangerous? Part 1

Angela Mabray Mineral oil gets quite a bad rap… why? We’re going to take a look at the most common reasons people give for why you should avoid mineral oil this week in a 2-parter: 1. Mineral oil comes from crude oil… I’m not putting gasoline on my face! – FALSE Flcelloguy While it’s true that mineral oil comes from …

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Big 3 – Formaldehyde

Reminder: Only a few days left to enter my giveaway! Good luck everyone 🙂 This is the last of the Big 3. The other two were covered earlier: DBP – Toluene Formaldehyde – form-AL-de-hide – MSDS Other names: methanal. When mixed with water, formaldehyde forms methanediol, which is also known as formalin, methylene glycol or formaldehyde monohydrate. Not to be …

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