NOTD: Summer stripes, and Nail Polish Tag

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How to cite: Wong M. NOTD: Summer stripes, and Nail Polish Tag. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. February 7, 2012. Accessed February 3, 2025.

We’ve had a few nice days of summer here, so getting into the spirit of things, I did a summery, stripey manicure.

The stripes were painted on freehand with an eyeliner brush – even though it was a bit bumpy at first, a healthy coat of Seche Vite smoothed things out. <3 Seche Vite!

Purple – franken
Green – Rimmel Green Grass
White – ulta3 Lily White

Blue – TBN [unnamed]

I was tagged by two awesome bloggers, Passion for Polish and Unnaked Nails, for Nail Polish Tag. Unnaked Nails has the most perfect nails, and Passion for Polish posts some really interesting tutorials. Check them out!





Answer the questions
Tag 5 other bloggers

Let the bloggers know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their page


1. How many nail polishes do you have?
Only about 150… haha! Probably enough to paint my room with though.
2. What is your favourite brand of nail polish?
ulta3 – Aussie pride! 🙂 They make cremes with awesome formulas, such good value and amazing to franken with.
3. Do you like crackle polish or do you hate it?
I love watching crackle dry! And it’s a great way to jazz up an old mani – it only takes about five minutes to put on!
4. What was your first nail polish brand?
Lipsmackers Grape scented polish. I still have it, and it still smells like grape!
5. If you are going to have a nail polish line, what are you going to name it?
Hmm, I don’t know! Shiny S**t by Lab Muffin? Blinging You With Science! 😀

6. What nail polish colours do not compliment you?
Most blues and pale cool purples – they make me look yellower. Yellows aren’t great either, and I can’t seem to find a good nude!
7.What nail polish colours do compliment you?
Red! I wear a lot of red clothes too.

8. Name two of your best nail art friends?
Look to the right for my blog list 🙂 
9. What was the best nail polish gift you ever received?
One of my lab friends always brings back polishes for me when she goes overseas!
10. Make a speech thanking the blogger who gave you this tag
See above 🙂
11.What is your second favourite nail polish company?
China Glaze – I love their shimmers.

12. Glitter or no glitter?
Both can be great, but I’ve been trying to get my hands on all the glitter I can lately! NEED MOAR GLITTAH

13. OPI, China Glaze or Essie?
China Glaze!

14. When do you change your nail polish?
Only about twice a week. Unfortunately my nails often get messed up in lab before then, so I’m often walking around with bare nails in a nasty shade of nail-blogger yellow 🙁

15. What’s your favourite colour on your nails?
I like muted pastels, and I love red and black.

16. Darks or brights?
Both! Depends on my mood.

17. What are you wearing on your nails right this moment?
A black franken with subtle purple shimmer in it, with Australia Speck-tacular flakies on top! I’m going to try it again soon with more purple shimmer.
18. Matte nails -in or out?
In! Especially when the nail isn’t completely matte!

19. French manicure?
I can’t find a good nude that matches me… so no thanks 🙁
20. Favourite winter colour?

Grey, because it’s too boring in summer so I wear the hell out of it in winter.

I tag (6 because I’m a cheater :P):

– Pretty Purple Polish

Shatter Me Claire
Lacquer Dreams
Nails N’ Cupcakes
Lacquer Me Silly
– She Paints Her Nails

Skincare Guide

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20 thoughts on “NOTD: Summer stripes, and Nail Polish Tag”

  1. I vote for Shiny S**t by Lab Muffin lol great name! Also on a side note isn’t Lily White such excellent quality for the price? I’ve tried other whites that suck but this one is fantastic!

  2. You’re like me… nudes are SO hard to find!! My favourite nude is a shade called Supermodel by Leighton Denny, it’s a milky beige/brown that works but you either love it or hate it! x


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