Nail blogger secrets for pretty nails 6: Don’t go it alone (epilogue)

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How to cite: Wong M. Nail blogger secrets for pretty nails 6: Don’t go it alone (epilogue). Lab Muffin Beauty Science. April 7, 2014. Accessed February 11, 2025.

Here’s the final part of the Nail Blogger Secrets series (though there may be some addenda in the future). If you haven’t already, make sure you check out the other installments (links at the bottom of this post).

Every polish journey is different, so I’m not going to tell you how to go about your glittery bidness. Except for this. All polish journeys can be improved with the addition of some companions.


I can’t emphasise how important it is to find someone who understands your obsession. No matter how hard you try to explain the difference between the 20 red polishes in your collection to a nuggle (that’s a non-nail-obsessed person), they’ll just smile politely, nod and walk away, making a mental note – literally, a note that says “mental” next to your name.

A nail buddy is different. They’ll understand your passion, they’ll squeal with you when a new indie collection comes out, they’ll share your excitement when you send them a photo of your new nail shape at 3 in the morning. You can buy supplies together, share sale news, keep each other entertained during ninja restocks and try new nail art techniques together. If you can turn a family member or friend, that’s excellent news – but beware, some people will just not be turned. Don’t force it. Just wear strategic manicures around them. (Doctor Who fan? Tardis nails! Designer fashion fan? Quilted Chanel handbag nails!)

Even better, find several someones! Join a nail group on Facebook, make friends on Instagram, go on r/RedditLaqueristas and connect with like-minded polishaholics.

This series wouldn’t have been written if I hadn’t discovered my own little enclave of nailaholics, who have taught me almost everything I know about nails. I’ve made way too many friends through nail love than I can list here, so in particular, this little list of Aussie nail addicts helped me out with this series, reminding me of tips I’d forgotten about and convincing me to dedicate a whole post to clean-up:

Nail Gun XS/Arcane Lacquer – Reluctant FemmeNailed Obsession/SayuriNesstopia – Nail Polish Party @lilyandjinks@nadeekay@lili_beteLacquerheads of Oz

So that’s it for now – good luck on your quest for the holy nail! May your nails be always chip and dent-free, and may your stampers always work!

P.S. For those of you who are curious, this series ended up being 9199 words!

Nail Blogger Secrets for Pretty Nails
Part 1: Top coat the mother
Part 2: Prep that base
Part 3: Clean-up is your sneaky BFF
Part 4: Glitter isn’t normal polish
Part 5: Nail addiction on the cheap

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10 thoughts on “Nail blogger secrets for pretty nails 6: Don’t go it alone (epilogue)”

  1. I use to love painting my nails of fun colours. Then I got my new job and most of the ladies had lovely salon nails so I started doing nail art. Now they expect to see some new designs and they really notice when I’m going ‘plain’ haha.
    What a great series! I enjoyed reading the posts!
    xxx Kat @ Katness

  2. I just wanted to thank you for posting this series. I am a lover of nail polish with a family that thinks I am “crazy obsessed”. You inspired me to post my first ever manicure picture on Reddit Lacquerista so thank you!!!

  3. This has been an awesome series! Believe me, I’ve tried to convert family and friends and have yet to have any real success. They look at my nails and say, “Oo, I wish I could do that”. But even when I explain how easy it is they just don’t have the desire to try. Thank goodness for the internet! Otherwise what would I do?

    • I totally agree – it’s so nice to show people who show me things back, it makes me feel less like I’m just foisting my crap on them and they’re too polite to tell me to piss off 😛

  4. Awesome series! Thank you for having the patience to write it all down, this will be an amazing resource for old and new nail polish addicts.

  5. This last part of the series made me smile. I know I am not alone because I have found all these amazing bloggers like you. Thank you for inspiring me!


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