Micellar Water Price Comparison

Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links.
How to cite: Wong M. Micellar Water Price Comparison. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. February 27, 2015. Accessed February 2, 2025. https://labmuffin.com/micellar-water-price-comparison/


I’ve put together this price comparison of different micellar waters available in Australia. Keep in mind that they contain different ingredients, and some might be more effective at removing makeup (i.e. you might need to use less), so the Price per mL should only be treated as a rough guide. I hope some of you find it useful!

BrandProductPrice ($AUD)Size (mL)Price per mL
GarnierMicellar Cleansing Water12.994000.0325
SwisseMicellar Make Up Remover10.993000.0366
SimpleMicellar Cleansing Water9.992000.0500
L'OrealSkin Perfection 3 in 1 Micellar Cleansing Water12.992000.0650
GatineauGentle Micellar Water464000.1150
BiodermaCrealine H2O29.992500.1200
La Roche-PosayEffaclar Micellar Water24.992000.1250
AveneMicellaire Lotion Cleanser34.992000.1750
Yves Saint LaurentTop Secrets Demaq Eau632000.3150
LancômeEau Micellaire Douceur692000.3450

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13 thoughts on “Micellar Water Price Comparison”

  1. I wonder if Micellar waters are even necessary. I use oil cleansers to remove my makeup most days and find it preferable to running through multiple soaked cotton pads . That said, I have a massive freebie bottle of the Garnier water, so I gotta lose it or use it!

    • There are a couple of situations where I think micellar waters are handy:

      – I use them to take off make-up before doing a peel, since I don’t want a layer of oil left on my face and I hate the water sleeve dripping issue
      – Rinse-free cleansing that’s more environmentally friendly than wipes

      But yeah, I rarely use them at home because they don’t leave my face feeling clean enough – nothing like a good proper scrub!

  2. Not sure about the whole Micellar water thing. I know these products started coming out maybe 3 years ago but I just came across one online for the first time several weeks ago. I am a cosmetic product formulator and I make all my own stuff so I dont notice what is being sold in the stores unless I just happen to see something online. I just dont shop those sections with the exception of actual make-up.
    I noticed with almost every single brand of these Micellar products the biggest complaint was difficulty in removing eye make up. So many of us wear waterproof something……mascara, eyeliner. I think the reason is exactly in the name……..water. This product is mostly water with maybe about 5% surfactant and a couple other ingredients and preservatives. There isn’t enough oomph! to take off the eye stuff. Plus, if it was me, I wouldn’t want to leave a residue on my face. It still has a surfactant in it, even though its a small amount, but I wouldn’t suggest anyone leave it on their skin. Surfactants can irritate your skin if you dont rinse them off well. In fact, anything bubbly or sudsy, even true soap, will irritate if not rinsed off well. Your money would be better spent on a regular face cleanser, cream cleanser or the oil cleansing method. Whatever works best for your skin. Then you can save your extra dollars for????……….a new eye-shadow or lipstick!

    • I have the same reservations. I’ve never had luck with removing eye make-up with micellar water and I think it’s the lack of oil. I mostly use micellar water to remove make-up before doing a peel, then hop into the shower straight afterwards (I don’t want oil residue before doing a peel, and proper cleanser is too much effort before a shower). I think micellar water is really mostly a substitute for make-up remover wipes – not a replacement for proper cleansing, but a compromise when you don’t have a sink handy or you’re too tired to cleanse properly.

    • Well on the flip side, some of us would rather not have stuff left on our face daily, that you can’t remove without a power washer.

  3. I saw this product while shopping at CVS. I noticed there were only two bottles left on the display. I figured I would give it a try. I have very sensitive skin and it did say it worked as well for sensitive skin. Needless to say, I love it! Can’t believe how well it works and does not leave my skin feeling dry at all. Garner makes the one that I bought. I will definitely stick with this. Skin feels clean and soft.


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