Make-up organisation has not been my strong point. My organisational style is best described as “ambitious, but fickle”, and my room is usually an explosion of shiny things and packaging detritus. And naturally, the pointy and breakable things have a knack of finding themselves under my feet.
So I was super excited when I recently received a mini make-up box from Make-up Box at Beauty Bloggers Utopia. So excited, in fact, that I embarked on a total overhaul of all the girly stuff in my room…
Everyday make-up: Mini original make-up box* – $49 from
I’ve always subconsciously avoided clear plastic because it felt kind of tacky, but the thick perspex and the sharp corners make this box decidedly not-tacky. And see-through storage is just so incredibly useful – no need for labels when you can see everything that’s there! I’ve put all the make-up I use regularly in this box – eyeshadow up top, then lips, then cheeks and foundation in the bottom two drawers. My BB cream and loose powder fit perfectly in the slightly bigger bottom drawer!
Make-up brushes: Glossybox (free with $15/month subscription)
Remember Glossybox? I kept getting them despite their appalling customer service and generally frustrating sample selection because these boxes were so nice, and I know I’m not alone! It fits on top of the drawers neatly.
Other make-up: plastic drawers my mum bought in Hong Kong
I’ve had these sitting around in the bathroom housing junk (single earrings, band aids, the biggest collection of unused bobby pins in the southern hemisphere). A quick empty-and-wipe has given me enough space to house my modest make-up collection. It’s going to be a problem when my collection grows since my mum can’t remember where she got them, but at the moment it’s pretty damn perfect, if significantly less stylish than the sleek Make-up Box!
Nail polish planning: Soft plastic bucket – Daiso, $2.80
This tub is pretty awesome, and incredibly good value! It’s great for when I’m planning a mani, since I’m usually short on time when I’m actually painting my nails. I’ve also got my new favourite cuticle treatment in there, Trilogy Everything Balm, so I don’t forget to moisturise.
Necklaces: ziplock bags in a Bellabox
I tend not to wear many necklaces, largely because I wear heaps of dangly earrings, and the two paired together can be a bit OTT. So they fit nicely into a Bellabox! The amazing Christina of Hair Romance gave me this organisational tip at Beauty Bloggers Utopia – the ziplock bags prevent tarnishing and chipping, and do a great job of stopping tangles (or at least puts your necklace into a tangle format that can be taken into the car for relaxed untangling when you’re in a rush).
So that’s my system so far! I’m sure as my collection grows I’ll have to expand, but for now it’s pretty perfect.
What’s your favourite organisational tip?
Products marked * were provided for editorial consideration, which did not affect my opinion of it. For more information, see Disclosure Policy
Love the necklaces in the ziplock bags! Will definitely be stealing that idea.
It’s genius! I’m planning to do that with bracelets and earrings too, when I get around to it!
your organization skills are awesome! I so admire people that manage to stash away their stash neatly. all my junk (make up, nail polish, jewellery) is in several different shoe boxes lol
Mine was all in shoeboxes but it drove me mental, so much better now 🙂
OMG!!!! I can’t believe this – you have a little planning basket tooo))))) I will take a pic of mine and hit you up on IG
Haha I thought I was the only one! Planning basket pals 😀
I need a better organisational system but I just have too much makeup:/
Hahaha! If I get too much make-up, I might need a make-up Helmer in addition to my nail polish Helmer!
Super cute organisation! I’m so embarrassed at my makeup… everyday items strewn all over the bathroom counter and everything else shoved into a huge drawer >.<
That was mine until now, except with a massive shoebox on the floor instead of a drawer! I still need to work on my floordrobe thoug, sigh.
I think I’ve seen boxes like your black ones at the reject shop sold it sets of 3.
Glad to know I’m not the only one who keeps all their necklaces in ziplock bags 🙂 though I do find that I often forget about them and don’t wear them as much if I can’t see them. As for tarnish, I had a brooch that only started to tarnish after a decade. I find the smell of cheap china jewellery more of an issue than tarnishings. Any chance you’ll do a post on getting rid of the metallic smell?
Love your blog btw, just discovered it today, looking up ‘fairy bread’. 🙂
Awesome! Good to know I can get extras locally 🙂
I actually have no idea on how to get rid of the metallic smell (I also hate it) – I suspect it’s basically impossible and probably to do with the metal reacting with air/moisture. I’ll see if I can dig any info up though.
Thank you! 🙂 Did you get Fairy Bread? It’s a lovely glitter!
Tried painting them with clear nail polish, though that only works for a while, then you need to repaint. Sadly I’ve recently discovered the smell issue also happens to chain store jewelery, after all they all came from the same source.
I did get Fairy Bread 🙂 it’s so pretty… my first mixed glitter NP – and it was the last one at Kmart 😉
Daiso also do these awesome stackable plastic containers in various sizes too! I’ve got two on my workdesk – the bottom one has nail art supplies and the upper one has “current” to-trys and untrieds. I love stackables because when your desk runs out of space, just keep moving upwards!
I saw them yesterday – I’m thinking of getting a couple tonight 🙂 I don’t like how they’re a bit fiddly to stack together, but I love how they’re semi-clear! If we’re talking about the same ones that is.
Ooo! Where do you buy your little ziplock bags from :3? Awesome idea~
I love see-through makeup storage, makes my makeup desk looks so clean <3 I use glass jars for my brushes too, I’m super cheap hahah.
I got mine from work, but I saw packs of 100 for very cheap on eBay – a few dollars incl shipping! 🙂
I have a mug from Daiso for my nail art brushes – I wanted to use it for tea, but only saw the “no hot water” label after I took it home 🙁 It’s gorgeous though!
I love seeing organisational posts. The necklaces in zip lock bags is a good idea! I like your octopus necklace. 🙂
I put my necklaces on hangers with the dress/shirt I wear it most often. Then sometimes I’ll switch them up and go WOW! didn’t think of that combo before. I also like to add belts this way too. Then that challenge is to wear what’s on the hanger even if it’s out of my comfort zone. Not sure if these ramblings are making any sense LOL