Alternatives to Laneige’s Strawberry Peeling Gel

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How to cite: Wong M. Alternatives to Laneige’s Strawberry Peeling Gel. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. August 11, 2012. Accessed February 12, 2025.

A while ago I reviewed Laneige Strawberry Yogurt Peeling Gel, and at the end I dropped the bomb that it’d been recently discontinued, and some of you yelled at me a bit (cough)… so I’ve been exploring alternatives, because I love you all, yes I do! 🙂

A reminder of the sort of peeling strands Laneige’s Peeling Gel had:

First up – TheFaceShop’s Smart Peeling Water in Pomegranate.


Just a normal flip-top soft-bodied tube, like the Laneige gel.


This is a clearish gel with red beads. While the Laneige was gloopy and pulpy, this is smooth and watery. Unfortunately, this means less cellulose balling up and scrubbing. I needed twice the usual pea-sized gel dollop to get the same effect. It’s a bit cheaper, but since you use twice as much it’s false economy.

After drying, my skin felt soft, but not unbelievably can’t-stop-poking-myself-in-the-face soft. When I tried it on wet skin in the shower, I barely got two hairs’ worth of cellulose strands.


The sweet strawberry scent of the Laneige product was one of the biggest wins for me – unfortunately this one smells kind of weird and plasticky.

Overall verdict: Disappointing.

(I’ve since noticed that there are several types of TheFaceShop peeling gel – I haven’t tried them but they might be a bit more effective, since this is for sensitive skin.)

Skinfood Pineapple Peeling Gel


This comes in a cute container with an oval twist top – way less flimsy than the usual flip-top tube, doesn’t have the scratchy corners on the top and has a little nozzle tip, which is way neater than the usual flat openings. And because the lid is oval, there isn’t the problem of trying to twist a circular lid off when your hands are slippery. I guess when I use it up, it might be hard to get the last bits out of the sturdy container, but for now, I love the packaging.


Pulpy texture – check! Unlike the other two gels, this has no capsules, which I thought were just a gimmick anyway.

The nozzle tip makes it so easy to dispense (the number of times I’ve squirted precious Laneige gel onto the floor/wall/in my mouth is frankly embarrassing. No, it does not taste as good as it smells).

And it works wonderfully! It might even be better than Laneige. I couldn’t stop poking myself in the face – it felt like poking a marshmallow. Mmmm, marshmallows. (I’m on a diet.) It works quite well on wet skin in the shower too.

The main difference is that it’s a bit rougher than Laneige – it has tiny grains the size of caster sugar (mmmm, sugar) or fine egg timer sand. I love this, since it’s pretty much a perfect 2-in-1 product (lazy girl high-five!).


This is the other difference: it smells nowhere near as nice as the Laneige. It’s vaguely citrusy and slightly artificial, and I swear I’ve smelt it before but it eludes me.

Overall verdict: It might actually be better than the Laneige gel. But why can’t it smell like strawberries? *has a sad*

TheFaceShop has branded stores around the world. Skinfood has branded stores around the world too but not Sydney, though you can buy it from various Korean shops, including Bloom Cosmetics which is generally in places where Asians shop (in Sydney CBD, follow the kids with extravagant hair and bubble tea to World Square and Sussex St). Cheapest for both is probably online (SaSa, eBay etc.).

Skincare Guide

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7 thoughts on “Alternatives to Laneige’s Strawberry Peeling Gel”

  1. @Michaela – Once when I was walking through QVB, one of those skincare demo women grabbed my arm and rubbed a peeling gel on it, asking, “Feel that! Cant you feel the difference? Isn’t it so much smoother?” And I was like, “…No?” She gave up quickly after that…

    In my opinion, peeling gels aren’t all created equal – it depends on the concentration of the peeling ingredient (that FaceShop one just didn’t cut it), what the peeling ingredient is (I think the skincare demo one was gelatine-based) and the other stuff that’s in the gel (most of the Asian ones have some sort of fruit-based AHA ingredient which is supposed to help the dead skin lift off – not sure if it works that quickly though).

    Tbh I wasn’t really a believer until one day I woke up during a cold with a nose covered in horrible flaky skin, and no amount of gritty scrub could get rid of it… then I used the peeling gel and it seemed to rip all the dead skin off just at the junction between dead and alive (hee Pete Burns). I still need to test this with the Skinfood one!

  2. Even the pineapple peel is d/c-ed here in the Philippines.I tried their Chlorella, it seems to work pretty well but it didn’t have that nice smelling scent. Bummer.


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