Korean Two-Phase Make-up Remover Reviews

Korean Two-Phase Make-up Remover Reviews

Two-phase or biphasic removers are my favourite type of make-up remover. They’re the ones that look like they have a layer of oil floating on a layer of water (the two layers are often different colours so you can see them easily). You shake them up like salad dressing before putting them on a cotton pad and wiping off your …

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Why Make-Up Flashback Happens and How to Avoid It


Ah, the dreaded make-up flashback! Celebrities like Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman and Miley Cyrus aren’t immune to it, even with their hordes of make-up artists: Embed from Getty Images   Here’s the science behind make-up flashback, and how to avoid it. What causes make-up flashback? The harsh white markings are caused by silica, an ingredient in many translucent powders, particularly …

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