Sukin Certified 100% Organic Rose Hip Oil

Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links.
How to cite: Wong M. Sukin Certified 100% Organic Rose Hip Oil. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. July 24, 2012. Accessed February 11, 2025.

Sukin is an Australian cosmetics company who pride themselves on delivering effective natural skincare products to women at budget-friendly prices. I think this is a very worthy cause, since so many companies seem to assume that using “natural” in their marketing automatically justifies jacking up their prices! Additionally – and this is the clincher for me – Sukin are 100% certified carbon neutral company. They’re also vegan and certified by Choose Cruelty Free.

Like so many other natural skincare brands, Sukin have a pure rosehip oil in their product line. It comes in a 25 mL amber glass bottle with a rubber-teated dropper, and is certified organic, coming from Rosa eglanteria seeds. Rosehip oil also makes an appearance in some of their other products, but to keep costs down it’s not certified organic and comes from the close relative Rosa canina. A Sukin rep assured me that the nutritional quality is just as high.

In colour and texture, it’s most comparable to the A’kin Rose Hip Oil I reviewed earlier. All Sukin rose hip oil is extracted by solvent-free cold pressing methods, which means most of the nutritional content is preserved. It boasts over 80% essential fatty acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic) and a smattering of vitamin E, beta carotene (vitamin A) and lycopene (antioxidant).

L to R: Kosmea, Sukin, A’kin. Kosmea rose hip oil, reviewed earlier, is much darker than the other two, and smells more pungent, which may mean that it’s denser in vitamins, but might also mean that it’s more likely to bring out reactions in sensitive people. A’kin rose hip oil looks darker than the Sukin oil in this picture, but the droplet is actually just a little bit thicker – in reality, they’re almost indistinguishable.

In my opinion, this is the best value-for-money rosehip oil that’s easily found in Australia. They don’t seem to have skimped on quality despite the lower price compared to other widely available rose hip oils, and conveniently, Sukin products can be found in Priceline stores all over the country. I’ve heard a lot of good things about their other skincare products, and I’m eager to see if they live up to the hype!

(Sukin Rose Hip Oil retails for AUD 19.95/25 mL and can be found in pharmacies and food stores in Australia. Stockists can also be found in New Zealand, UK, Canada, Ireland, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore – for more information see here. Product provided for honest review – for more details, refer to disclosure policy.)

Skincare Guide

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6 thoughts on “Sukin Certified 100% Organic Rose Hip Oil”

  1. I’m still loving my MooGoo one…just had a thought though. The original bottles leaked so when I bought a replacement bottle after mine ran out, the company sent me another one.

    I’ve been using one of them for a few weeks now and was going to leave it in Brisbane when I head up there this weekend (as a spare) but as I know you wanted to review the MooGoo one, I’d be happy to send my used bottle to you to try?

    If you’re keen, email me 🙂 (missdirections (a)…

    • Argh! I am so so sorry but your incredibly generous offer slipped my mind. I’m going to try tracking it down myself first though to save you the trouble 🙂

  2. Hi Michelle,
    Just wanted to reply to your comment that Kosmea being the denser in vitamins is more likely to bring reactions to sensitive skin. This is actually untrue as a higher level of anti oxidants is actually more likely to provide a better anti-inflammatory efficacy.
    The darker colour in Kosmea and Akin is due to the fact that both oils are CO2 extracted, which means protected from oxygen during extraction (cold pressed oils tend to oxidise faster). This protects the provitamin A and discoloration. So if anything, darker is better because it is richer. You will get mor for your $

    • It’s a trade-off – you’ll get a better antioxidant effect, but you’ll also get a higher amount of irritants. Unfortunately it’s harder to reverse irritation than it is to avoid it altogether – antioxidants won’t immediately reverse it so you’ll end up with inflammation regardless. For most people the darker stuff is better, but for sensitive skin the more process product is safer.

  3. Hey Michelle, I really appreciate all the research and work you do here, it’s amazing! I bought a small bottle of A’kin rosehip oil on your suggestion and noticed there’s a formulation available with vitamin C added. Do you think it’s worthwhile or nah?


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