Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ Face & Body IPL 5 month review

Affiliate Disclosure: I receive a small commission for purchases made via affiliate links.
How to cite: Wong M. Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ Face & Body IPL 5 month review. Lab Muffin Beauty Science. April 9, 2016. Accessed February 2, 2025.

Quite a few readers have asked me to update on how effective the Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ Face & Body IPL machine (model IPL6500AU) is, long(ish) term. So here’s a review of the results 5 months later! Check out my earlier posts for an overview of the Remington i-LIGHT IPL machine and how it to use it.

Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ Face & Body IPL 5 month review

Overview of the Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ Face & Body IPL Machine

The i-LIGHT Pro+ is a compact unit, featuring:

  • An infinity bulb which (theoretically) never needs replacing
  • Face and body attachments for treating different areas
  • A skin sensor to check if your skin is suitable for IPL
  • 5 energy settings, to ensure comfort

A full treatment regimen is 3 sets of treatments, 2 weeks apart – top up treatments may be necessary.

5 Month IPL Update

I originally did three areas (right armpit, right bikini line, left forearm). The area I wanted to reduce hair in most was my armpit. Unfortunately, I managed to get an ingrown hair in the armpit that I was treating, which then turned into a minor cyst (gross, I know – sorry!), so I couldn’t continue after the 3rd treatment, which was annoying because that’s where I was seeing the most improvement. I also stopped treating the other areas as well around this time (early November).

Right armpit – I noticed the biggest changes in this area. My untreated left armpit is a spiky mess of stubble 3 days after shaving, but in my right armpit, the spiky thick hairs are reduced by about 3/4 and the rest is softer, thinner hairs. I’m quite surprised that there’s such a clear difference – if I did a few more treatments, I think the results would be even better.

Left forearm – This was the least successful area. The hair here is now about half as dense as my untreated right arm. I think it’s because firstly it’s a rather large area, and it was difficult to ensure that every little patch was covered when I was zapping. I also think I did less zaps than I should’ve in this area, because after the 20th zap or so I really wanted the pain to end. Additionally, it has the finest, lightest hair of the three areas to begin with, and IPL and laser treatments work best when hair is dark.

Right bikini line – Unfortunately I only did a really skinny strip down the side so it’s hard to say for sure, but there’s less stubble in this area now compared to the left side.

Overall, I’ve had a good experience with this machine! I would recommend this unit to people who:

  • have dark hair and light skin
  • have a high pain tolerance or are just really determined

Importantly, don’t expect to be completely hair-free afterwards – it’s certainly hair reduction that means you can get away with a lot more laziness in your routine, but it’s pretty difficult to get completely hairless with IPL.

Where you can get the Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ IPL

The price has gone down a bit since I reviewed it last – it’s now RRP $499 in Australia and is stocked at Target and Harvey Norman and other places as well. You can also find it online at Amazon and eBay. Make sure you’re getting the right model though – the 6000 looks very similar but doesn’t have the infinity bulb so the light needs replacing!

This product was provided for editorial consideration, which did not affect my opinion. This post also contains affiliate links – if you decide to click through and support Lab Muffin financially, thank you! For more information, see Disclosure Policy.

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4 thoughts on “Remington i-LIGHT Pro+ Face & Body IPL 5 month review”

  1. I tried this out (well, the Pro version, not the Pro+) and found the pain was just too high for me to handle inflicting upon myself. It’s so much easier to deal with if someone else is administering it!

    • I agree! I’ve been roping the boyfriend into doing it but he’s terrible at making sure the zapped areas are next to each other – the first itme I let him do my armpit, he was “done” after about 5 zaps 🙁

  2. I was sent one of these to review (only to borrow, sadly!). I used it on my legs, and 6+ months later I’m still impressed at the reduction of hair growth. It was less painful than IPL or laser, which I’ve had done in salons, and it worked so well. I wish I’d had someone to help me out on the back of my legs though.

  3. Hi Michelle,
    I’ve been researching these and I really wanted to get your opinion or knowledge on home IPL and light wavelength. After a quick Google search, I found that only wavelengths of 650nm and over penetrate deeply enough into the skin to reach the follicle. The Remington i-light Pro says it’s got a wavelength of >600nm (I’m guessing higher at the higher power settings, OR is a higher power setting just more joules of the same 600nm? I can’t find specifics anywhere! ….are they intentionally vague so we can’t debunk their product?)
    So I guess I was curious on your thoughts around that and if you think that could be a factor in why it hasn’t been more effective for you?


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