Inaugural FOTD – Everyday Makeup

I’ve never been really into makeup, but I’m turning 25 in July (eek) and I realise that my crazy-makeup-looks-chic-and-not-scary days are numbered, so I’ve decided to start experimenting with what my boyfriend calls “facepaint”. First off, I’m posting what my “normal” face looks like, with minimal photoshopping (contrast adjustments, cropping etc.). Now, I love my sleep way more than the …

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What is BB cream?

BB creams are popping up on shelves everywhere – but what are they? BB stands for beauty balm, blemish balm or beblesh balm, depending on which brand you’re looking at. BB creams are said to have originated from a cream that dermatologists recommended after cosmetic surgery to help repair skin and cover damage. They became popular in Korea after some …

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