Supergoop Glow Screen Sunscreen Review

Supergoop Glow Screen

I recently reviewed Supergoop Unseen Screen, along with a cheaper dupe from Trader Joe’s. I also got a tube of Glow Screen in the shade Sunrise as part of the same Supergoop SPF Bestsellers Start Kit from Sephora. Here’s my review – I also reviewed it in a video, with footage of the application and texture. Supergoop Glow Screen SPF …

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DIY sunscreen test? Reacting to Style Theorists’ video

style theorists sunscreen reaction video

The Style Theorists recently did a video where they tried to test sunscreen “scientifically”, including… in a tanning bed. A lot of people sent it to me, so I filmed a video reacting to it! You can watch it here. Some of the topics covered: People should wear more sunscreen Sunscreen absorbing into blood Coral reefs and science by press …

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Is Your Sunscreen Killing Coral Reefs? The Science

Is Your Sunscreen Killing Coral? The Science (with Video)

You might have seen that Hawaii has banned certain sunscreens that have been linked to coral bleaching. In particular, it’s the organic “chemical” sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone and octinoxate that have been banned. It sounds like a great victory for the environment, right? But if you search a little past the headlines, you’ll find that there are actually a lot of …

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Sunscreen myths in the media

myths in sunscreen articles

It’s sunscreen season, and as you’d expect, there are lots of sunscreen articles coming out, full of common myths.  I’ve debunked a lot of myths about sunscreens before – sunscreens are toxic, you can make your own sunscreen – but this time I’m going to focus on incorrect advice from trusted media sources. These myths tend to be a bit …

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Top Korean Sunscreens

Top Korean SPF

Korean sunscreens have gotten really popular because they’re so lightweight and comfortable to wear. Here’s my favourite in each category: chemical, physical, hybrid, lightweight, and stick. The video is here, keep scrolling for the text version… Korean sunscreens are known for being very lightweight “commuter” sunscreens for everyday wear. They have really nice textures and sit nicely under makeup. They’re generally …

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How Much of a Sunscreen Stick Should You Apply?

sunscreen spf stick experiment

Sunscreen sticks are really convenient, but it’s difficult to measure out how much you need to apply, or whether you’ve applied enough. So I decided to put them to the test!  I recently did a few investigations of sunscreen sticks. I tried to work out: How much protection you’re getting with reasonable amounts of sunscreen sticks How much you would …

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Sunscreen absorption and receptor binding: Debunking TikTok Misinformation

tiktok misinfo hormone

There’s tons of misinformation on the dangers of sunscreen on social media, and it seems like all of the myths make the rounds each time a new platform emerges. Currently the trending platform is TikTok. Even though sunscreen safety is a topic I’ve covered many times, it repeatedly comes up in many different flavours. I’ll break down the misinformation in …

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Asian Sunscreen Reviews: Glow Recipe, Skin1004, Suncut, Benton

Skin1004 reviews thumbnail small

It’s time for Asian sunscreen reviews. Some of these I’ve been asked about a lot, so it’s kind of a relief to get these out! The video is here, keep scrolling for the text version (note: the video was sponsored by Skin1004, but this blog post isn’t.) These are all Korean and Japanese sunscreens that aren’t approved in Western countries …

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